Thursday, November 18, 2010

90 Day Challenge - Week 3!!

Well I am happy to report that week three is over and I am still on track with my goals. I am currently down 6 lbs!!! I do have to admit, however, that I am having more problems with the eating plan than I wish to admit. While the first week was very clean, my old eating habits seem to be coming to the forefront once again.  Specifically, I am having trouble with eating out too often. Life seems to get hectic and suddenly I find myself saying "Let's just grab something on the way...." This is never healthy, especially where I live. This is burger and Fries country.

I will be trying to tighten up the eating this week. I need to take an evening to prep foods for the week, and while that should have been Sunday, I was unable to do it then. I will have to go home tonight and get some meal prep done and packaged so I can grab and go for the rest of this week.

My treadmill and I have been getting along though. I have continued with my work outs and plan to begin my HIIT training tomorrow. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. I will start my program with a 5 minute warm up and will then cycle through a Run/Walk workout. I will run as hard as I can (about a 9 on a scale of 10) for 30 seconds and then walk to recover for 90 seconds. Each cycle is 2 minutes, so I will try to do 10 of them in a row, and then finish with a 5 minute cool down. I have done these before and they are very hard for me, but they yield results! And results are what I am looking for!!

I also want to try some new recipes this week, so watch for new postings and pictures of some yummy and healthy foods!!

I will see you later in the week....

Til next time....Keep it "Natural"!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so glad you're still posting about your challenge!

    I have a super hard time motivating myself to cook sometimes too, although it's always easier when I have something yummy and instant when I get home from work -- like cheese and crackers. I find I'm much better at cooking when I'm not STARVING...

    But, all the same, I can hardly move right now from too much Olive Garden for my little bro's b-day. (BLEK food coma). Crackers do not help on b-day nights.
