Monday, March 14, 2011

WOW! Did I get lost?

Wow  has it ever been a long time since I have posted on my blog! Am I ever sorry!!! I had not meant to neglect this blog, time just seems to slip away......

So the last few weeks have been busy with renovations. The kitchen is still a work in progress. The tile was finally installed by my husband (Craig) and our friend Bill. Wow does it look fantastic!! Watch for pictures coming soon!

The bathroom also got a glossy new coat as the tub surround was removed and an updated, and badly needed, new one was put in! I would love to show pictures of my husband caulking it all, as he did a masterful job, but alas I came home to a "fait accompli"! It does look good though!

As for the weight loss project, things have been coming along rather slowly, I have however, dropped from a size 18 in November to my current size 14!! Not yet svelt, but moving forward to my goal of single digit sizing!!

As for my ETSY shop, lots of new things have been added (see the shop listing on the right!) and I am continuing to create and add new items daily. I have several new products I will be launching through March and April, so stay tuned.

So far in 2011 I have added Organic Millet Hull Pillows and Travel Pillowcases to my offerings. I am planning to added at least 3 more new products to my regular line up before the end of April! I am also excited to acknowledge that I can currently be found in 63 Treasuries on ETSY!!

I am going a little stir crazy these days as the cold weather has continued through the last month or so and I have been mostly stuck at home! However with a change in temperature and a thermometer that is rising, my thought are beginning to turn to Spring. There is so much to do in the yard once the snow melts! It will, however, be at least another 6 weeks before anything can really be done! We have a lot of snow here and temperatures are still -9 to -15 C at night!

That is the brief update to let you know where things stand. Tune in next time for some renovation photo updates!!!

Till next time....Keep it "Natural"!

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